Monday, February 4, 2013

The other side

I have always been fascinated by what really happens to loved ones who pass on. I believe in Heaven, hell, and even purgatory, but I also believe that after death a lost loved one can still communicate with you. Some may not agree, and believe that once you've passed, you're gone, and if a lost loved one is communicating with you in any way, it's because they are not at rest, and I don't believe that either. I believe that after we are gone, our body is dead, but our spirit roams among the living. I know to some it may sounds absurd, and many may think that I've lost my mind. When I was younger my mom was able to communicate with loved ones who passed over. Some say she was nuts, some believe it was of medication she took, and some even said she was evil and going to hell, and that it's the work of the devil, because she could communicate with the dead, and knew things before they happened, to me the work of the devil doesn't prepare you, about a loved one that you need to take caution of.  I've heard many stories from her about her communicating with her grandmother who passed on. Not only in dreams, did she communicate with her, but she'd also see reflections of her in windows and communicate with her, in the reflections. There are two stories I remember so vividly, and maybe because they were about me. My mom was eighteen and pregnant with me and her grandmother came to her, and prepared her that the child she was carrying, there was something medically wrong with the child. She told her older sister about this the following day, and her sister called my moms doctor in angry that he would tell her sister something like this! The doctor assured my moms sister that he did not tell her any such thing, and that it was too soon to know if anything was wrong with the baby. Sure enough when I was born, they had to rush me to the Children's Hospital of Philly, because I was born with a congenital heart defect. They had to do open heart surgery on me two days later, as my mom was miles aways from me in another hospital, she saw the refection of her deceased grandmother in the hospital window. Her grandmother told her that the surgery went well, a few seconds later the Children's hospital called to tell her everything went well, and I was doing fine. So I am living proof that we can communicate with the afterlife. Even though the afterlife has always fascinated me, I never once thought about seeing a psychic or medium, until that fateful day my only thirty one year old baby brother was murdered. It will be a year on Feb. 10th that my life has changed and I still yearn to talk to him, hear his laugh, and just communicate with him, even if it's just to tell me he is okay and happy. I believe I have gotten many signs from him and I believe his spirit is still here among us, but it's as if I need someone with the ability to be able to communicate with afterlife, to tell me he is fine and happy, for me to have closure and be at peace with his death. Not saying that after that, I wouldn't want anymore signs from him, because I would still like and need those little signs and reminders that he is still with me. Does that make me crazy? No. Does this make me evil or that I'm going to hell? No. Do I believe if this is happening that he is not at peace? No. Do I believe that I or anyone else that feels this way, is working or in the hands of the devil? No. I believe that all things are possible, weather it be communicating with the dead, believing in UFO's, or other life forms on other planets, and I do believe with a clear, opened mind anything and all things are possible. In this picture you will see a green letter t. Green was my brother's favorite color and the letter t is the initial of his first name. One night I was reading a book about psychic ability on my kindle, and in the middle of the book. Out of nowhere I spotted a green letter t, and it was the ONLY green letter t! It wasn't as if it was in the beginning of a sentence or paragraph, but smack dap in the middle of the book. Do I believe that was a sign from my brother? Yes. I believe we can feel and know our loved ones who passed on are with us in many different ways, you just have to be opened to believing it!


  1. Love your thoughts on it. I agree. <3

  2. I thought you would love this story! My mom amazed me with her stories!! You and the others also helped me believe that you can receive signs from your lost loved ones.
